Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Research Paper Marijuana Legalization free essay sample

Abstract Marijuana is the people’s drug of choice; it’s the most popular drug of all the drugs. Made famous in movies (Cheech and Chong), hit an all-time boom in the 60’s when smoke to rebel against law enforcement. It is popular even though it is illegal in the United States; I explain in this paper why we should take advantage of its popularity and help our struggling economy. How we can use the way Amsterdam regulates its recreational marijuana, and implement it in the United States. Violence will drop dramatically especially in the towns close to the Mexican border. These are more than enough reasons as to why we should legalize marijuana, there is nothing but benefits. Jose Silva Brittney Carman English 102-06 Research Paper November 8, 2011 Marijuana or also known as Cannabis is a green, brown, or gray mixture of dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of Cannabis sativa. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper Marijuana Legalization or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Yacoubian, G. S. (2007), pg 18) This drug contains a chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol or also knows as THC. The mind reacts to THC, it alters the mind. All forms of marijuana have this affect on the user. Overall the drug contains over 400 chemicals some of which are carcinogenic. Though marijuana is widely popular in the states, marijuana didn’t originate in the states. â€Å"The Cannabis (marijuana) plant is native to Central Asia, possibly on the Himalayas or the Altai Mountains it is said that around 2000 B. C. , the Egyptians used cannabis to treat sore eyes. † (Webley, K. (2010 pg. 22) Believe it or not, the United States at one point even encouraged the growth of Cannabis, was grown as a source of fiber. Something interesting is that the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper, material from the Cannabis plant aka Marijuana plant. The Cannabis plant was such a popular crop that in 1890 it was the major cash crop in the southern state, yes even above cotton. Such endorsements slowed and eventually became nonexistent after 1937, when the Marihuana Tax Act effectively banned the drug in the U. S. (Webly, K. (2010 pg. 22) After many years of prohibition marijuana was legalized in 1996. Not legalized for recreational use but for medical use in the State of California. Used to treat such diseases as cancer, AIDS, chronic pain etc. This caught on in the states and by January of 2010 â€Å"New Jersey became the 14th state to legalize the drug† (Webly, K. 2010 pg. 22) Marijuana hit an all time boom in recreational use during the 1960’s when college students decided to smoke marijuana as a way of rebelling against law enforcement. From then on it hasn’t stopped since. Marijuana is the most commonly used drug, beating out drugs such as Cocaine, Meth, Heroin, etc. Anyone from teens to adults use the d rug recreationally to get a â€Å"high†. A large number of people ask to legalize recreational use of marijuana, before you think that this is a ludicrous idea wait and hear me out. If we were to legalize marijuana how much money would the United States earn in taxes? How much would we save as a country not having to pay taxes on inmates who are in jail for possession of marijuana, a non violent offense? How many lives would be saved if we legalize it and stop the drug wars that occur on the borders? Thinking about it I would agree with legalizing marijuana for recreational use, let me further explain. The prohibition of anything is going to lead to violence because there is always going to be dealers fighting for the power of markets against dealers. Perfect example is at the borders where the drug wars are currently going on. Yes the majority of the violence is occurring on the Mexican side of the border but slowly it is coming into the United States. In late October 2011, police officers in Port Isabel pulled over a vehicle during a routine traffic stop. To the officers’ surprise, one of the vehicle’s occupants was Rafael Cardenas Vela, the nephew of Osiel Cardenas Guillen, the jailed uber-drug lord who headed the infamous and brutal Gulf Cartel. (Longmire, S. (2011, November 8) They found an illegal immigrant in the United States not only was he illegal but was a part of a huge drug business apart of the â€Å"Gulf Cartel† known for their brutality. This is only one violent person that lives among us, just guess how many more live among us. Deaths to United State citizens have occurred during this terrible drug war. According to a MSNBC article (S. O. (2010, April 22) the number of United States residents has increased from the year 2007-2010. In 2007 35 U. S residents died, in 2009 79 died, and in 2010 106 residents died. This isn’t counting the people that have gone missing; the number of deaths can easily be higher. The problem with this is the majority of the people that being killed are innocent people that just happen to find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. A perfect example of this is when an â€Å"American missionary Nancy Davis and her husband, Sam, were driving their 2008 Chevrolet pickup on a highway near San Fernando, about 70 miles south of the Mexican border city of Reynosa when killers opened fire on Jan. 26, hitting the 59-year-old woman in the head. Mexican and United State authorities said the gunmen were likely cartel thugs bent on stealing the couple’s truck. † (S. O. (2010, April 22) All this is occurring because drug cartels in Mexico are trying to flex their muscles to the other drug cartels and show how powerful and reckless they are. Killing people for no apparent reason, chopping off heads to show off how strong they are, I find this unbelievable. Legalizing marijuana would dramatically change what is currently happening. It would eliminate the drug trade between Mexican drug cartels and the United States, marijuana would be legal to obtain.. Dealers would no longer feel the need to flex their muscles and show other dealers how strong they are, innocent lives would be saved, and violent immigrants won’t feel the need to live in our neighborhoods. Not only will legalization of marijuana make it much safer for the American people but would help our struggling economy. Everyone knows this great country of ours is in a huge deficit. â€Å"Mr. Obama’s budget projects that 2011 will see the biggest one-year debt jump in history, or nearly $2 trillion, to reach $15. 476 trillion by Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year. † (Dinan, S. (2011, February 14) None of this is looking like it’s going to go away anytime soon, the deficit is only going to get worsse with time. Think about it, what is in high demand and would be as popular as Facebook. Marijuana is what comes to mind when I think of the deficit we face. The high demand for marijuana is unbelievable; in 2009 16. million Americans have used marijuana. That is a lot of people using marijuana illegally that the United States is not charging taxes on, which means they are not earning money. When I speak about money I don’t mean pocket change, no I mean billions of dollars. We can learn something from Canada, â€Å"Production cost of (government-sponsored) marijuana is roughl y 33? a gram† (Easton, S. (2009, March 26) Assuming the cost of distribution and retailing marijuana is the same as cigarettes the U. S could make from anywhere to $40 billion to $100 billion. Not only will we make money by selling legal marijuana but also save money. You are probably thinking, â€Å"How in the world are we going to save money? † All of the people either held in prison, probation, or parole for use of marijuana have the government pay taxes for holding them in cells or having to supervise them. Imagine the millions of people that would be out of legal trouble, and the extra money the government would have in handy for whatever is needed in this country. When I say marijuana charges I mean possession charges, not attempt to distribute charges. â€Å"Legalizing drugs would save roughly $41. 3 billion per year in government expenditure on enforcement of prohibition. † (Lucente Jr. , T. J. 2010, October 31) $41. 3 billion saved from just simply legalizing marijuana, sounds like a good idea to me. This is just one year, saving $41. 3 billion a year for every year from now on that sounds like a good plan if you ask me. Adding the money earned from taxes and the money saved would total up to at least $81. 3 billion. Marijua na arrest from 1965-2007 The fourth amendment states that we have the right to privacy. This same amendment helped the case of Roe v. Wade, you’re probably wondering what case it is that I speak of. Let me explain, this is case that was taken to the Supreme Court to fight whether abortion should be legal. After all the hearings the courts came to a conclusion that abortion should be legal because the fourth amendment protects it, specifically the right to privacy. Abortion is now legal but marijuana remains illegal? I don’t seem to understand why, killing an innocent fetus is ok but smoking marijuana isn’t? We have the right to privacy, if people decide they want to smoke marijuana I believe they should, I believe this would fall under right to privacy. I find it unbelievable that abortion is legal (which it harms a fetus, another being) but marijuana is still illegal and does harm to others. Marijuana does have its affects just like alcohol, and cigarettes. Why it is that marijuana is the only illegal one of the three? I have no clue why and don’t understand; cigarettes affect your lung, marijuana is just like cigarettes in which both contain chemicals. Alcohol hurts the liver when being used they affect the body so why are they legal, marijuana should be in the same boat as both cigarettes and alcohol and become legal. I’m sure many questions are arising such as, â€Å"How we will possibly be able to regulate the use of marijuana,† well people trust me it isn’t impossible to regulate it. Amsterdam has made it legal to smoke in â€Å"coffee shops† where a menu of different marijuana is given to them. They have been doing it this way for many years with no problem whatsoever, why can’t the United States do this, we can, and we should. Amsterdam sees the use of marijuana as a health matter, just like cigarettes and alcohol. The reasons for legalizing marijuana are to reduce harm to the users, by limiting how much they are allowed to buy and smoke, to try and slow down the disturbance of public order and safety to the community. Last but not least is to stop trafficking and to combat the production of the drugs. Not to forget the money their government wins from taxing the marijuana. They decide to divide drugs into two different groups the â€Å"soft drugs† and â€Å"hard drugs† groups. The hard drugs are drugs that are considered very dangerous such as â€Å"cocaine, LSD, morphine, heroin† (Skelton, P. (2011, November 15) those drugs are forbidden in the Netherlands. The â€Å"soft drugs† consist of â€Å"cannabis in any form (marijuana, hashish, hash oil)† (Skelton, P. (2011, November 15) In Amsterdam you are not allowed to buy as much weed as you like, you are given a limit of 5 grams. Not only that but it is only sold to adults no minors whatsoever. The weed can only be smoked in â€Å"coffee shops† where no minors are allowed, and to avoid minors from trying to obtain marijuana they decide not to advertise the sale of marijuana. These regulations have worked for Amsterdam with no problems; of course there is the occasional person who decides to drive under the influence of marijuana, but that’s the equivalent of someone driving drunk. It’s going to happen, but the United States will do everything in their power to try and stop that from happening by creating regulations that will prevent this from happening. Marijuana I believe is not as bad as people make it to be, cigarettes are just as bad but yet they are legal. Considering all of the benefits of marijuana especially the financial benefits, the United States should legalize marijuana for recreational use, we should put regulations on it just like Amsterdam does and the system would work perfectly. If we put effort into legalizing marijuana and using Amsterdam’s blueprint we will make billions of dollars that will help our struggling economy, protect the 4th amendment by giving us our right to privacy, and become a country that will lead the push for other countries to legalize marijuana. Only positives can come from legalization of marijuana. References Dinan, S. (2011, February 14). Federal deficit on track for a record this fiscal year Washington Times. Washington Times Politics, Breaking News, US and World News. Retrieved November 15, 2011, from http://www. washingtontimes. com/news/2011/feb/14/debt-now-equals-total-us-economy/

Sunday, November 24, 2019

chp 7 quiz questions Essay Example

chp 7 quiz questions Essay Example chp 7 quiz questions Paper chp 7 quiz questions Paper Essay Topic: Literature After presenting groups of research participants words like thread, eye, pin, syringe, sewing, sharp, and thimble, a memory researcher asks the participants whether they remember seeing the word needle. The fact that many participants do is an example of permastore. memory illusion. amnesia. dà ©j vu. memory illusion A key theme that has emerged from the memory research literature is that all explicit and implicit memories are stored in the hippocampus. memory illusions are evidence of serious memory problems such as Alzheimers disease or amnesia. the passage of time has little or no effect on the accuracy of our memories. we actively reconstruct our memories using the cues and information available to us. we actively reconstruct our memories. You watch LeShon wave his 4th of July sparkler as he runs. As you watch the light, you notice a circle of light rather than just a single point of light. This effect demonstrates the functioning of your echoic memory. flashbulb memory. iconic memory. short-term memory. iconic memory After you finish reading this sentence, the information will remain in your ________ as you consider each of the answers below. photographic memory short-term memory sensory memory long-term memory short-term memory Kira is jogging down the street listening to her portable music player. Abruptly, her batteries die and the music stops. Which of the following accounts for her ability to still hear the last part of the song that was playing? Eidetic imagery Short-term memory Echoic memory Iconic memory echoic memory While driving her children, Adrianas car broke down. She called her husband on the cell phone for the number of a towing company. If the childrens behavior prevents her from repeating the number to herself, most likely Adriana will need to dial the phone number within the next __________ or she will forget the number. 15 seconds minute 2 seconds 45 seconds 15 seconds Shanna has a quiz covering research methods for both her biology and psychology classes. As she studies, she is continually getting information confused between the classes. The resulting memory loss is explained by retrieval failure. serial position effects. interference. distortion interference Which of the following best illustrates retroactive interference? Susie struggles to learn how to play the violin, after playing the guitar for many years. Chet struggles to learn the names of the new players he added to his fantasy baseball roster. Coach Todd calls one of her old softball players the name of one of her new players. Professor Jones struggles to learn the names of his new students after teaching for many years prior. coach todd calls one of her old softball players the name of her new players In high school, Deanna took three years of Spanish. Upon enrolling in college ten years later, she registered for a remedial French course. When required to speak in French during class discussion with her teacher and classmates, Deanna frequently responds with Spanish words instead of French words. This is one example of decay. blocking. proactive interference. retroactive interference. proactive interference The Magic Number of short-term memory is fifteen plus or minus two. seven plus or minus two. nine plus or minus two. seven plus or minus three. seven plus or minus two Liv has just seen a commercial advertising a fancy kind of make-up that she would like to buy. She does not have a pen or a piece of paper to write down the telephone number, so she repeats to herself over and over again while she runs into the kitchen to find the telephone. Liv is currently using the process of ________ rehearsal to keep the telephone number active in her short-term memory. distributed semantic maintenance elaborative maintenance According to the research on the primacy effect, if your father read you a list of 10 items to pick up at the hardware store you would most easily recall those items from the end of the list. from early in the list. that are most distinctive. in the middle of the list. from early in the list Which two types of memories are both considered to be part of explicit memory? semantic and episodic reconstructive and recalled semantic and procedural conceptual and schematic semantic and episodic Jasmine needs to remember an 8-line poem for her 5th-grade English class next week. Her mother suggests that she link the first few words from each line with a different part of their home, starting with the front door. This suggestion is most similar to the memory strategy known as the method of loci. the pegword method. an acronym. the keyword method. the method of loci Although you have never taken a class with Dr. Hua, you walk into class, sit down, open your notebook, and wait for the professor to begin his lecture. What concept is being illustrated? Schema Priming Storage Primacy effec schema Who is engaging in distributed practice? Geoff, who has been studying an hour a night over the last three weeks for his anatomy final Kris, who made flash cards last night for his psychology final today Angela, who just read through her notes on the way to take her algebra final Alan, who pulled an all-nighter to get ready for his biology final geoff, who has been studying Which of the following is the best example of chunking? Andrea creates a sentence using all of her vocabulary words. Caroline uses the first letter of each of her vocabulary words and spells out the word, butterfly to help her remember. Cedric is able to remember all of the names of the kids in his class. Katie writes down an example for each of her vocabulary words. andrea creates a sentence using all of her vocabulary words Evidence suggests that when the real criminal is NOT included in a live line-up, most witnesses will refuse to answer and ask to leave the police station. will be accurate and inform the police that the person is NOT present. will be inaccurate and select the person who most closely resembles the real criminal. None of the above will be inaccurate and select Although both Clive Wearing and a patient known as H.M. had severely damaged hippocampi or removed hippocampi, they both showed evidence of ________ memory. implicit explicit eidetic episodic implicit Following a car accident, Jane and Joan both suffer head injuries with resulting amnesia. Joan cannot remember events that occurred before the accident, while Jane cannot remember events that occurred after the accident. Joan suffers from __________ amnesia and Jane from __________ amnesia. proactive; retroactive retroactive; proactive anterograde; retrograde retrograde; anterograde retrograde;anterograde There are various techniques available to help people improve their ability to recall material. For instance, when you remember something new by connecting it mentally to something you already know, you are using levels of processing. elaborative rehearsal. distributed study. a mnemonic device. elaborative rehearsal Which mental phenomenon can be defined as the retention of information over time? Knowledge Understanding Memory Thinking memory Which of the following is NOT one of the three major processes of memory? Long term Storage Encoding Retrieval long term We can use mnemonics to help us ________ information we want to retain in our memories. encode retrieve store comprehend encode Most people cant accurately remember anything they experienced in their earliest years. This phenomenon is known as retrograde amnesia. juvenile amnesia. anterograde amnesia. infantile amnesia. infantile amnesia When we arent sure where a memory really came from (Did it really happen? Or was it a dream?) we can use cues such as how vivid and detailed the memory is to determine the answer. This process is called cryptomnesia. initial recollection. considered recollection. source monitoring. source monitoring Over time, children develop greater knowledge of their own memory abilities and limitations. The term for this is comprehension. meta-memory. habituation. learning meta-memory Brains of people with Alzheimers contain senile plaques and ________, abnormalities that contribute to both synapse loss and the death of hippocampus and cerebral cortex cells. amygdala cells beta-adrenergic receptors propranolol neurofibrillary tangles neurofibrillary tangles A memory that is actually false but feels real and can be triggered by, for instance, looking at a list of associated words, is called a(n) representative heuristic. memory illusion. active reconstruction. paradoxical memory. memory illusion First observed in the hippocampus of rabbits in 1966, ________ refers to how repetitive stimulation of neurons over time will gradually strengthen connections among the neurons involved. glutamate pathways long-term potentiation engram assemblies retrospective bias long term potentiation What type of graph would be used to illustrate the primacy and recency effects? Ebbinghaus curve Histogram Enneagram Serial position curve serial position curve A group of students were told they were being given the drug ________ before taking the SAT while another group was told they were taking a dummy pill. Their unaffected SAT scores coupled with their very different perceptions of mental functioning and alertness suggested that the placebo effect was at work. Provigil Adderall Ritalin Modafinil ritalin Scientists devise ________ in order to ensure that the memories elicited in their false-memory-implantation experiments are actually false. cryptomnesia proofs plausibility estimates statistical estimates existence proofs existence proofs A researcher named Mitchell asked participants in a laboratory study to view 100 line drawings for a few seconds. They were able to identify the drawings at better-than-chance rates ________ later. 30 days moments 12 months 17 years 17 years The number of digits a person can remember is called the Magic Number. At about the age of 12, a childs memory is usually sufficient for a Magic Number of _______ (plus or minus 2). 3 9 7 11 7 Studies have shown the students perform slightly better on exams if they are tested in the same room where they learned the material. This is evidence for state-dependent learning. context-dependent learning. encoding specificity. retrospective bias. context dependent learning To demonstrate the ________ effect, Loftus and Palmer used a variety of words like hit, collided, or smashed to elicit very different estimates from study participants about the speed of vehicles involved in a traffic accident. reportage plausibility eyewitness testimony misinformation misinformation Alzheimers disease accounts for only ________ percent of cases of dementia. 60 to 75 25 to 35 50 to 60 10 to 20 50 to 60 Which of the following is more highly correlated with memory span in children? Age Shoe size Intelligence Position shoe size The remembering method that associates rhymes to a list of words in a particular order is called the keyword method. schema method. method of loci. pegword method. pegwood method The type of sensory memory that is used for visual stimuli, such as television or movies, is called iconic memory. super short-term memory. reconstructed memory. implicit memory. iconic memory The fact that people usually correctly remember where they were when they learned of the September 11th attacks but are less exact about what they were doing or who told them, leads researchers to believe that ________, while not completely reliable, contain substantial kernels of accuracy. flashbulb memories source monitoring initial recollection recovered memories flashbulb memories Which of the following describes the term schema? Process of getting information into our memory banks Process of keeping information in memory Organized knowledge structure or mental model that weve stored in memory A learning aid, strategy, or device that enhances recall organized knowledge structure Memory is NOT always accurate because memories tend to be actively reconstructed. unintentionally recorded. passively reproduced. deliberately deceptive. actively reconstructed In the 1920s, Karl Lashley hoped to discover the ______, the actual physical trace of a memory in the brain. He later concluded that memories are not stored this way. assembly postsynaptic receptors hippocampus engram engram

Thursday, November 21, 2019

SLP 01 CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SLP 01 CONFLICT MANAGEMENT - Essay Example This clash affects the management and the employees equally. In order to make the situation better, management has to play an important role, to handle condition in an easy and calm way. Employees versus management. I have never thought that employees and management are truly the same animal. What I have discovered is that they are very different, and the distinction matters. Management knows how to make people and tasks work effectively toward the same end, whereas employees tend to focus more on the task at hand. Although they are different functions, the same person can both work and manage. A manager should be dependable, track through things, maintain his pledges and have principles. He should be helpful for his people and should not disclose their self-confidence. Manager should be reasonable and sincere with workers. He should prove admiration for his employees. Treat them as adults and show appreciation for their thoughts and for the job they do. He should make sure that his employees are treated as regular people. Try to indulge them in the planning and the problem solving phases of different tasks. Make them give their suggestions and use their assistances. Provide the workers significant responsibilities and the support they require to hold them out well. Agree on aims and objectives mutually, with effort from each and every individual that is concerned. Put quality communication into practice. Manager should construct mutual faith by being open, tolerant, and helpful. Managers can maintain and help in making assisting relations within their responsibilities by acting as a replica by directing and by sustaining, and cheering these managerial abilities in their workers as they cooperate with each other. Conflict may redirect labors from objective achievement or it may reduce income, mainly time and funds. Conflict also may pessimistically have an effect on the mental well-being of workers and cause

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Humanties 3 Discussion 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Humanties 3 Discussion 1 - Essay Example Moreover, focus on the scientific discovery that resulted to industrial revolution made steady alteration on the prevailing economic structure in the western world. The main ideas and inspiration behind the Neoclassicism were music and theater, which were either principally or impassive form. Qualities that are emphasized by corresponding Romantic style were strong emotion, admiration of nature and break from corresponding subsequent inflexible structure (Janson & Anthony, 234-367). Artists within the Realist duration mainly conveyed a ingenuous and objective vision in regard to the contemporary life. Work of art from Neoclassicism is Painting that mainly corresponded with the underlying 18th century enlightenment epoch and extended in the early 19th century (Janson & Anthony, 234-367). Neoclassical painting is mainly characterized by utilization of straight lines, smooth paint surface, and minimal utilization of color, illustration of underlying light and corresponding distinct, crunchy description of the forms. Moreover, Neoclassicism was mainly procreated from corresponding methods within the Paris in regard to the underlying history

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Reserach Proposal on Leadership Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Reserach on Leadership - Research Proposal Example Transformational leadership is increasingly seen as critical, not only in the competitive landscape of an organization, but also to the leader’s impact on team effectiveness (Grant, 2012; Ozaralli, 2003). Increasingly, leaders are not only faced with the challenge of how to introduce change, but also how to manage change (Watkins, 2004), which seems especially important when the introduction of the new leader is the change. Watkins (2003) notes that on average twelve employees are impacted by a new manager. This finding implies that what the new leader in transition does would affect a wide network of employees and, hence, performance within the organization. Since transformational leadership is deemed as critical for team performance, this research study seeks to examine the relationship between transformational leadership style and team effectiveness for new leaders in transition, with a special focus on professional knowledge-based work teams Problem / Opportunity Statement Most organizations in the current business climate are highly dependent on leaders to lead organizations to success. This dependence is especially so in the current high competitive business environment characterized by high leader turnover, frequent change, and high accountability to stakeholders (Grant, 2012; Hoffman, Bynum, Piccolo, & Sutton, 2011; Stewart, 1992). The problem is that organizations and leaders have failed to execute effective leadership transition action plans, which may lead to negative effects, such as leader stress, decreased productivity, higher turnover, and ineffective team performance (Gilmore, 2003). Understanding the role of transformational leadership in leadership transition and the impact that it has on team effectiveness would be an essential resource in understanding develop effective leadership transition plan. Both Wageman, Hackman, and Lehmen (2005), who proposed a model of team effectiveness in an organizational context, and Manderscheid and Ard ichvili (2008), who proposed a paired model integrating leadership transition theory that proposes effective team relationships are the result of successful leadership transitions, posit that transformational leadership style may be a critical success factor for team effectiveness and the success of new leaders (Appelbaum & Valero, 2007). Watkins (2004) maintained that, to accelerate the transition and build momentum, the new leader must have the ability to engage and influence many individuals throughout the organization â€Å"using vision, expertise and drive† (p. 16). Unlike well seasoned leaders who may have some understanding on what works in teams or how to handle various challenges that arise in newer teams that they are faced with, new leaders lack the experience of having to deal with such challenges. Most only have theoretical knowledge. Past literature have depicted transformational leadership as the most effective in enabling team performance and effectiveness (Wa geman, Hackman, and Lehmen, 2005). Although there is substantive research on leadership style and team effectiveness, there is less on new leader transition (Manderscheid & Ardichvili, 2008). Most of the research have focused on strategies to be employed in transitioning a leader (Manderscheid, 2008), formal interventions that organisations need to undertake in helping

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analysis Of The News Corporation Company

Analysis Of The News Corporation Company This case study is about worlds largest new company which is created by Rupert Murdoch in the binging of twenty first century. In this case study we learn about three area of The News Corporation Company. 1: Corporative Logic 2: Business Portfolio 3: Corporative news style of corporation. According to original web site of The News Corporation is described that this company is a global media company with operations in various industry segments: filmed entertainment; television; cable network programming; direct broadcast satellite television; magazines and inserts; newspapers and information services; book publishing; and other. The activities of News Corporation are conducted principally in the United States, Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia, Asia and America since 1973 to 2010. In 1986 and 1987, News Corporation moved to join the various developmental projects and plan its production processess of its to many British newspapers. A number of seniors Australianian media persons were brought into Murdochs compeny to gave hin strenght , including John Dux. News Corporation made its first compain in the US in 1973, when it purchased few news companey like TV Direct etc. In 198, 1984 and 1985 the News Corporation bought all of the movie studio like 20th Century Fox, Metromedia group of stations, setting the stage for the launch of a fourth U.S. broadcast network. And then in 1986, the Metromedia deal closed, and the Fox Broadcasting Company was launched. This network.( According to press in 1987 The News Corporation bought The Herald and Weekly Times in Australia. The company that Rupert Murdochs father had once managed. By 1992, News Corporation had amassed big debts, which forced it to sell many of the American magazines interests it had acquired in the mid1980s. Much of this income came from the Sky Television satellite network in the UK. In 1995 and 1996 Fox showed a great development to established the Fox News Channel and channel CNN. Between 1999 to 2009, News Corporation significantly expanded its music holdings in Australia Uk and America by acquiring the controlling shares in many media projects. Corporate Governance Issues in the News Corporation: News Corporations Board of Directors and management are committed to strong corporate governance and sound business practices. According to report which was published on web side of The news corporation in 2005, the Murdoch and his family owned only about 29 percent of the company shares. Almost all of these shares were selected voting shares, and Rupert Murdoch take control of the companys policies. And in 2006, The News Corporation showed its intention to transfer its 38.5% managing interest in DirecTV to open new projects in new field. According to our case study Rupert Murdoch approaches showed that was not a man who likes to take with the regulators and participants. Mr Rupert Murdoch and his style is usually to conform and better still, to anticipate new laws and use his lobbying power to ensure they do not harm his business. But now a situation is evolving with the passage of time which gives us the good example of corporate governance, and one which will be closely observed by many others companies worldwide to look results and follow it. For example BSkyB, that British most powerful broadcasting business and its owned 35.4% of its shares owned by Mr Murdochs News Corporation and another example BSkyB is also owned by Mr Murdoch and his family to take control of the news Corporation. In latest press release of the news corporation managers from the ten largest institutional investors in BSkyB serious discussion that the companys independent director to defined policies for new companey. While all three had few common things like to robust characters, not afraid to speak their minds, they all enjoy a friendly relationship with their former boss were their main objectives. Were they to be appointed after November, their appointments would breach UK governance guidelines, and those of many other countries. And created problems. This case study explained that these people faced too many of the difficulties where one individual is dominant, who take all control on company or where there is an element of a family ownership. The companies like The News Corporation may be the only company in the West, in Asia and all most the rest of the world. Corporate Control Style of News Corporation: After the different deals in more than three years of wrangling over control of DirecTV and provides the apportuniries to Rupert Murdoch, chairman and chief executive of News Corporation, with the final component needed to fulfil his long-held ambition of creating a global satellite broadcasting network in world . Under the terms and conditions of the deal, The News Corporation become able to buy more shares of General Motors. Murdoch described that a genuinely exciting and transforming deal for News Corporation. The company has already built significant satellite broadcasting operations in the UK, through BSkyB, as well as in Central and South America with Sky Latin America, and across Asia with StarTV(The Time Magazine, 1996). Ahter this they buy to many shares in differet places like Direct TV about 11.3 millions in US, Fox News Coproration and Hughes also in US and all these deals have been a long time in the making, the benefits will be felt almost immediately in the competition it will offer cable, the richer services its provided to American viewers. And then they moved to EchoStar DirecTV merger was blocked in October 2007 by the Federal Communications Commission the US telecoms regulator. News Corporation finally prevailed at its second attempt. Liberty Media. Mr Murdoch described this process of pursuing of all these shares as having been three years of patient negotiations, occasional frustration but ultimately great satisfaction(Case study) Acoording to our case study all these deals remains subject to regulatory and GM shareholder approvals, but Mr Murdoch said News Corp and DirecTV had agreed to adhere to programme access regulations set by the FCC, ensuring that News Corp content is made available to all satellite broadcasters, as well as cable and other competing platforms. In the mean time Mr Murdoch will become chairman of Hughes, with Chase Carey, News Corps former co-chief operating officer, taking the role of chief executive officer. Eddy Hartenstein, Hughess corporate senior vice-president, will become vice-chairman of Hughes, reporting to Mr Carey (case study). Sustainability of the Business: News Corporation in its web site says its put its media muscle behind reducing its operations carbon emissions and engaging its almost 47,000 employees around the globe and its millions of viewers readers, and web users on internet . According to its web site in 2006, The News Corporations carbon footprint is 641,150 tons of CO2 which was equivalents and was measured across the 52 countries in which News Corporation. has activities measured. Chairman of news corporation Rupert Murdoch said that all The News Corporation business units become carbon neutral by start of 2010 through energy efficiency projects , buying renewable power resources and offsetting otherwise unavoidable emissions. (According to their press release 2006). In this press release they mentioned some of the companys initiative towords sustainability of the business. For example. 1: The News Corporation has colliberted with The Climate Group, an independent, nonprofit organization which help to advancing business and prevent the climate change. 2: MySpace has launched a channel also dedicated to climate change. 3: Fox Group and other companey has offered its employes to purchase hybrid cars and the companys first LEED-certified building is under construction on the Fox group studio to stop pollution 4: The many media ompaney in various countries of world marketing in the are replacing vehicles with hybrids for friendly environment. 5: The News corporation have entered into agreements with various Government to purchased renewable energy to redueced air pollution. Corporate Logic in News Corporation: Like any other successful organisations the news corporation they followed a very well corporate logic to give protection, efficiencies and satiability to software publisher Security and give protection software, Utility and device driver software, Information exchange software, Electrical Equipment software, Software, Business function specific software. All these need proper security and satiability to work well. The news corporation arrange very good meachnisiom of corporate logic. Rupert Murdoch Style of Management and its effectiveness According to en.wikipedia approaches Rupert Murdoch showed that was his style is usually to conform and give us clue to understand better and to anticipate new laws and ensure they do not harm the business. The plan of News Corporation expansion looks to the areas where growth is expected to be greatest for commercial media this includes continental Europe, Asia and America. News Corporation is almost as concerned with producing content as with owning distribution channels. Aside from tried and tested filmed entertainment and music videos, the fire winners in global television are news, animation and sports. Willingness to accept changes in terms of management approach to meet the needs of the global market to investing in new businesses and generating new trends in the media and broadcasting industry than acquiring and buying existing companies. Consideration of the shareholders and maintaining good relationship among shareholders to enhance market share and their strengthening bargaining power as well as market position through the use of purchasing on their supply chain, specifically for Sun and Times newspaper and their Raising investment fund through the use of bank loans and loans from other financial institution that offers minimal interest. General Opinion on Rupert Murdoch Strategic Vision The informations from press release 2003 the strategic vision of Mr. Rupert Murdoch can be understandable by the example of year 2003, when News Corporation recovered itself from the record losses in the two preceding years and the revenues at News Corporation reached over A$1.8bn and assets were stated as A$67.7bn. Therefore, the failures in the last two years and then the subsequent success of the News Corporation and its subordinate businesses were entirely due to the strategic vision and choices made by Rupert Murdoch. Whether there was a formal corporate strategy in the News Corporation or not, however, we can say without any doubt that the expansion in the business of News Corporation and its subordinate was mainly the product of Rupert Murdochs strategic vision. In annual report for the year 2003, Mr Rupert Murdoch outlined the different vision of the News Corporation; Throughout news Corporations evolution our goal has been to create a Company as unified, as logical and as creative as possible. Our vision has been one of a media company that is as well-integrated as it is international; one capable of delivering shot-term results as well as building long-term value. We have worked to build a company with the agility to seize strategic opportunities when they arise, with little patience for conventional wisdom. Some analysts describe the personal vision of Mr. Rupert Murdoch as an expansion minded person, who always wanted to buy assets, wanted to take over, to move around the world, to build his media empire, but on the other hand he also wants to retain the control.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Essay --

As early as 2010, 35.7% of adult Americans are obese, which is the highest level of obesity in the history of the United States. There are a number of environmental factors that contribute to obesity, the majority being the number of fast food restaurants and the recent outbreak of binge eating. Evidence shows that bingeing on sugary, tasty foods increases dopamine in the brain and in doing so possesses addictive habits. Apparently there have been several psychological and biological similarities between food addiction and drug dependence including loss of control and craving. One of the articles will look at environmental factors that might contribute to the obesity epidemic, and it will also compare the medical similarities and differences of drug dependence and food addiction. Growing rates of overweight adults and obesity have prompted the comparison between the uncontrolled intake of food and drugs. It has been smart to follow biological concepts from addiction to explore obsessive food seeking; a model is needed to understand how food and drugs differ in their ability to control behavior. Another article will look at the difference and commonalities in the behavioral responses to food and to drugs of abuse, with the goal to identify and new treatments for drug addiction or obesity. One of the articles also focuses on eating disorder behaviors and posttraumatic stress. It states that this article was the first to reveal the relationship between PTSD and the occurrence of eating types of food such as sugar sodas and fast food. It mentions that the study had articulated mechanisms and behavioral pathways of how trauma and post traumatic stress can cause an increase in the causes of death in the United Sta... ...ect the impact of food addiction understandings on obesity and obese peoples. Studies found that seemingly strong public acceptance of neurobiological clarifications of obesity and overeating can co-exist with the view that individual choice is the major cause of obesity. Obese people were more likely to support the opinion that obesity characterizes an addiction to certain foods. The apparent disappointment of neurobiological explanations of overeating and obesity to change public views toward obese people and the treatment of obesity advises that these descriptions have not yet had the beneficial influences assumed by their supporters. As the idea of food addiction is established, its supporters need to pay greater attention to its effects on shame, treatment and policy and to assessing whether its net influence on public health is likely to be harmful or helpful.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Confusion – personal writing

Rosie ran a brush through her copper-gold, long, silky hair and smiled contentedly. After a touch of lip-gloss was applied she was satisfied with her reflection, so she grabbed her jacket and bounded down to where her Mother was waiting. â€Å"Okay honey?† her Mum asked smiling. â€Å"Yes, fine thank you Mum.† Rosie replied cheerfully. Rosie was adopted as a child and lived with her mother and adoptive brother in a renovated house in Yorkshire. Her Mother was single and Rosie had never had any contact with her natural parents. Rosie loved her life, she was seeing a lovely guy and her Mum and her were just going to the local shopping center were she was going to meet up with him. Rosie and her Mum, Nicola drove down the motorway in their Renault. It was a beautiful day, Rosie thought to herself as she gazed at the deep, blue sky making shapes in her mind out of the puffy, white candyfloss like clouds. Suddenly her head was thrown sideways against the window and a loud screeching filled her ears. Then all the noise, all the visions were gone and Rosie felt strangely peaceful. Rosie opened her eyes and all she could see was white. She tried to sit up but her head hurt so much she slumped back down again. From that position she tried to figure out her surroundings. She was looking straight upwards at a plain, white ceiling without a blemish on it. She slowly and painfully turned her head and was faced with a blue curtain. To puzzled to be panicked she tried to figure out where she was. She didn't have long to wait. The blue curtain was yanked backed and an extremely harassed looking man looked in. â€Å"Let me see my daughter, where is she?† he was saying. â€Å"Please sir you're disturbing the patients,† a nurse was telling him worriedly. â€Å"Oh thank goodness!† said the strange man and started hugging Rosie. At first Rosie was to shocked to respond and then she pushed him away with all the strength she could muster. â€Å"What do you think you are doing?† Rosie spluttered. â€Å"Darling, what's the matter? What's wrong?† the man asked Rosie, and then turning to the nurse he repeated, â€Å"What's wrong? Why doesn't she recognize me?† â€Å"I'm sorry, she's been through a lot. She needs some rest, please come back later when things are a bit clearer to her.† â€Å"What do you mean?† the strange man demanded, his voice rising, â€Å"This is my only daughter lying here, I need to be with her.† † I realise you must be anxious but the best thing you can for your daughter now is to let her rest, so please I must ask you to leave.† Reasoned the nurse. The man seemed to be fighting a battle with himself to control his emotions. It looked like he won and he seemed to use a lot of self-restraint as he said, â€Å"Fine, I'll see you later Jenny, and just remember Daddy loves you.† Then he walked out. â€Å"Try and get some rest dear.† Soothed the nurse, and then she followed him, shutting the curtain as she left. Jenny lay back, a million thoughts running through her head at once.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Medical Marijuana essays

Medical Marijuana essays Marijuana is a drug that has been in the media for years. There is a constant debate about if it should be used medically. The world is afraid of what they do not know about marijuana; for years weve been told, say nope to dope. While marijuana can help for medical purposes it can also be of great danger. This is not true however, if it is used correctly. Historically, marijuana has been used to treat a multitude of illnesses such as AIDS, glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and chronic pain. Currently, the treatment that is promoted most is the use of marijuana for its ability to control nausea in cancer and AIDS patients. In 1986, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the drug in a pill form, which contained THC, a major component for the treatment of nausea from cancer chemotherapy. It has been determined that the pill, which is called Marinol, acts differently than marijuana that has been smoked and is not effective. Marijuana also has been found to be useful in the treatment of arthritis. Aspirin, commonly used for arthritis pain is believed to have caused more than 1000 deaths in the US annually. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are also routinely used for arthritis treatment, have caused more than 7,600 deaths and 70,000 hospitalizations. Even with the numerous deaths these drugs are still used to treat patients everyday. Marijuana, however, can be smoked several times a day without harming the body as Aspirin would. Also, there are no reports of death from the use of marijuana. Still there are long-term effects from marijuana that can put many people at risk. For example, smoking marijuana is even more damaging to the lungs than tobacco smoking is. Marijuana smoke as 50-70 percent more carcinogens than tobacco smoke does. Marijuana smokers can be found to have more microscopic damage to the lungs defense against inhaled contaminants and microbes, an ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Hidden Curriculum

Over the years past billions of dollars have been spent on computers for our nation’s schools. The goal was to improve and update our educational system but there is very little evidence of change through the years and taxpayers that have been paying for these upgrades in the schools want to know where the payoff is. A small Belridge school district in Mckittrick, California was proud to be the first and only in the state to provide every student with two Apple IIg computers, one for school and one for home. It reshaped its curriculum to use computers in all subject areas and they thought it was working well. The parents were shocked to hear when the annual standardized test scores came in, that the entire first grade class, along with more than a third of the 64 member student body, had scored below their grade level for both reading and math. The school’s officials argued that students had scored even worse before the help of the computer program but in fact this was just one case where the computer program had failed. Not only is there the argument of whether or not computers are necessary in the classroom, but which type of computers the children should use, the Mac or the PC. Many parents argue that school should prepare children for the workplace, where Macs are a rarity. Parents also say that it’s more convenient if their children can come home from school and pop a disk in to their home PC. There is a significant difference between how technology is used in schools and how it is used in business. In the workplace, he argues, a computer is primarily used for word processing, e-mail, and access to databases, whereas in the classroom it can be a powerful tool for collaborative learning. Also, by the time today’s fifth grader enters the work force, windows may have given way to Java or maybe even an entirely different language that no one has yet begun to speak. Still, when PC salesmen whisper that children wi... Free Essays on Hidden Curriculum Free Essays on Hidden Curriculum Over the years past billions of dollars have been spent on computers for our nation’s schools. The goal was to improve and update our educational system but there is very little evidence of change through the years and taxpayers that have been paying for these upgrades in the schools want to know where the payoff is. A small Belridge school district in Mckittrick, California was proud to be the first and only in the state to provide every student with two Apple IIg computers, one for school and one for home. It reshaped its curriculum to use computers in all subject areas and they thought it was working well. The parents were shocked to hear when the annual standardized test scores came in, that the entire first grade class, along with more than a third of the 64 member student body, had scored below their grade level for both reading and math. The school’s officials argued that students had scored even worse before the help of the computer program but in fact this was just one case where the computer program had failed. Not only is there the argument of whether or not computers are necessary in the classroom, but which type of computers the children should use, the Mac or the PC. Many parents argue that school should prepare children for the workplace, where Macs are a rarity. Parents also say that it’s more convenient if their children can come home from school and pop a disk in to their home PC. There is a significant difference between how technology is used in schools and how it is used in business. In the workplace, he argues, a computer is primarily used for word processing, e-mail, and access to databases, whereas in the classroom it can be a powerful tool for collaborative learning. Also, by the time today’s fifth grader enters the work force, windows may have given way to Java or maybe even an entirely different language that no one has yet begun to speak. Still, when PC salesmen whisper that children wi...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Human Communication 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Communication 1 - Essay Example I will ask the panel of Japanese managers if our team has delivered objectives clearly and appropriately. If their response is well-received then the communication will be a success. Nonverbal communication involves those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the sender and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the receiver   (Samovar et al, 2009).  Ã‚   In oral communication, these symbolic messages are transferred by means of intonation, tone of voice, vocally produced noises, body posture, body gestures, facial expressions or pauses (Besson et. al., 2005).   We do not always communicate the same way from day to day, since factors like context, individual personality, and mood interact with the variety of cultural influences we have internalized that influence our choices (Le Baron, 2008). Human beings use non-verbal means to persuade or to control others, to clarify or embellish things, to stress, complement, regulate and repeat verbal expressions. They can also be used to substitute verbal expression, as this is the case with several body gestures  (Besson et. al., 2005). Generations and generations of ancient tribes made do with non-verbal means of communication --animal-like guttural sounds, gestures, drawings -- to fulfill their requirements before they latched on to a language (Khan, 2001).   In Japan, when business cards are given, one should take time to look at it and treat it with respect. Unlike in the West where you can stuff it readily in your pocket, you need to first read what is written on the card and if a higher ranking person gave you the business card, you should hold it at a lower level. It is important that Western managers learn to know the importance of silence during business meeting. Unlike Westerners, Japanese people do not speak their minds at any point in time. Instead, they pause for few moments to rethink

Friday, November 1, 2019

Competetive Strategy Analysis - Samsung Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Competetive Strategy Analysis - Samsung - Essay Example The current status of the firm’s competitiveness is evaluated using three strategic tools: the Five Forces model, the Value Chain analysis framework, and the Strategic Clock. The first two models were developed by Porter while the Strategic Clock has been designed by Bowman. These theoretical models allow the identification of all aspects of the firm’s strategic position in the global market. In this way, the understanding of the firm’s current position towards its rivals and of its future prospects in the particular industry becomes easier. Porter’s Five Forces Literature review The Five Forces model of Porter (see Figure 1 below) highlights the forces that a firm is likely to face when developing its daily activities. The identification and the evaluation of these forces are necessary in order to check whether a firm has prospects in its industry or not (Hill and Jones 2009). The forces included in the Five Forces model of Porter are the following: †˜a) new entrants, b) suppliers, c) buyers, d) substitute products, e) industry competition’ (Henry 2008, p.69). The analysis of this model’s elements would help to understand its value for evaluating the potentials of Samsung in the global electronics industry. ... The power of suppliers to ask for increase in prices is higher as the material/ product delivered to the client is rare and cannot be easily located through other suppliers (Roy 2011). This phenomenon is known as the bargaining power of suppliers (Roy 2011). In sectors that are critical in terms of the material used in products, the bargaining power of suppliers can be high: for example, the pharmaceutical industry or the luxury cars industry (Roy 2011). At the next level, reference should be made to the other element of Porter’s model: customers. Customers are able to press firms to proceed to the reduction of their prices in the following case: when the products/ services provided by a firm become common in the market, the customers of a firm may decide to leave their firm and prefer the products of a rival that are at lower price (Gordon 2004). The specific potential of customers can exist only if a product is widely expanded in the market or if a new entrant that offers th e same product at lower price has appeared in the local market (Gordon 2004). The term ‘substitute products’ is used for describing the products with similar characteristics but of lower quality (Ungson and Wong 2008). These products can be available at lower price since their production cost is significantly lower than that of the products with similar characteristics but of high quality (Ungson and Wong 2008). Consumers may prefer these products instead of those that used to buy until now in order to save money (Ungson and Wong 2008). Substitute products cannot particularly threaten a firm that offers products that cannot be easily replicated (Alrawashdeh 2013); Finally, reference should be